Since I was a little girl I’ve had visions. Surreal stories would play out in my mind’s eye, I would see dramatic landscapes, mythical creatures – brightly, vividly, like a lucid dream. I felt compelled to share them with the world and so I picked up a paint brush. In fact, I see visions everywhere: for example, an idea for my Isra-Alien PsyTrance RaveOlution painting emerged as pattern on a carpet in 2005. All of my art, whether writing or painting, is always symbolical, emotive and conceptual, never random. More often than not it is inspired by my personal life and experiences. I think through my message, untill all of the elements come together as a whole. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes years. I place quality over quantity. To me, it is the most important aspect in art creation. I’d rather do less and do it well, rather than produce an endless stream of meaninglessness. Since 2012 I’ve been focusing primarily on the project of my lifetime – writing my book. I don’t limit myself to one medium. In every medium lies an opportunity to express an artistic vision: whether it is photography, videos, painting, writing or something else entirely.