My ancestors and I
Last year I discovered, to my amazement, that I come from a noble family with a family tree which runs back to 15th century. My grandmother from my biological father’s side came from a noble family of Von Hildenbrandt. They were from Saxony, owed a large estate with servants and maids, and held prominent positions such as generals and a state advisors. My grandfather from my father’s side came from Northern Caucasus and Russian far east, from a line of free warriors or “Cossacks”. Here are few pictures of my great-great-great-grandparents Hildenbrandt, as well as my nearest family and a few of my childhood pictures.
19th century ancestors baby black and white Daria Tkatchenko Larsen estate grandfather grandmother grandparents hildenbrant noble Old Russia peasants photography photos Red Blooded Woman Russia state councilor Tkatchenko USSR USSR childhood Гильденбрандт действительный статский советник детство СССР статский советник Ткаченко
By Daria Tkatchenko Larsen
January 12, 2012

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