Tag : Daria Tkatchenko Larsen

I’ve sort of been in a state of artistic melancholia lately (perhaps because of hopelessly dark hours of the year, which I’m spending behind my computer screen, sipping cold coffee). Because of my current life situation, the existential emptiness has really hit me with a triple force this time. It has never been easy going through some life altering changes, and being in between cultures, countries and jobs made it even more difficult, but the recent events of my life […]

This italian inspired recipe will be converting meat lovers to vegetarians! Oven baked vegetarian dish with olives, sun dried tomatoes and with healthy, fiber-rich whole wheat pasta is great for a romantic dinner or a family get-together.

Here is a recipe for a tasty creamy potato soup with crispy bacon and broccoli (4 servings):

“EL TARDÍGRADO MACROBIOTUS CAMINA AL REVÉS, SIN REVESES”by PROYECTO AGUA** /** WATER PROJECT is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Waterbears are incredible, yet strange creatures. Most people don’t know anything about the excistance of tiny little bear look-alikes, who live in moss cushions, grass, under water and in solid ice and are lesser then a 1 mm in size. Tardigrades come in different bright colors, orange, red, green and are equipped with eight leggs, and two knife-like teeth, which they […]

Rejoice ye all! It’s a season of pumpkins, mushrooms and delicious soups. I came up with my own pumpkin soup recipe, which is not sweet, like the majority of the pumpkin soup recipes 🙂 All experimentation went well, except for a lol accident, when my blender exploded the hot bullion all over me and the kitchen…. :S Don’t ever blend hot liquids in a tiny blender! Nevertheless here it is, against all odds, salty chilli pumpkin soup:)