Tag : Daria Tkatchenko Larsen

Last year I discovered, to my amazement, that I come from a noble family with a family tree which runs back to 15th century. My grandmother from my biological father’s side came from a noble family of Von Hildenbrandt. They were from Saxony, owed a large estate with servants and maids, and held prominent positions such as generals and a state advisors. My grandfather from my father’s side came from Northern Caucasus and Russian far east, from a line of […]

I have been wondering what my next artwork would be about and I seem to have so many ideas, but none of them are deep and strong enough yet to really make a great piece. I have been split between wanting to draw something dark, such as despair, longing, strong emotions; or something utopian, light and positive and dreamy. I really like the concept of the Kayne Wests video “Paranoid” as the inspiration, the colors and confused state of mind, […]

Subconcious by Verismaya Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Just recently I’ve discovered that the perception and mind of an artist is truly different from other forms of perceiving the wold. All along I believed that other people, just like me, see memories/dreams/thoughts in clear, photographic-alike visions, or in a “video format”, which is then enhanced by feelings. I was therefore really surprised to find out that not everyone sees or imagines things in such a realistic way. This one little detail really […]

Here is my new Gunea pig “Ginny”:) red haired just like me. I am sort of obsessed with rodents as you can see.. And finally a pic of me with the Guinny<3