Tag : memories

My friend Anni was going through a shoebox full of pictures and found these gems back from the good old days when the Internet was still a nieche product, and when buying “Sugar” magazines, which were full of exciting content, not just commercials, was a whole-day event and a week-long anticipation. And when dressing like emo Charlie’s Angels or as a Japanese person for Halloween was still concidered okay – if not downright cool 😀 And of course back then […]

“File:Podstakannik mit Gold.JPG”by Maiakinfo is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 One of my Google Plus friends reminded me of this wonderful part of my past – having tea with sugar cubes in Russian overnight trains. For some reason tea there tasted much better than at home. This is how it feels like: Outside the blurry window, you see the wilderness of Eurasia -birch woods interchange the dark coniferous forests, as the train flies past old villages, overgrown cemeteries, making a […]

Subconcious by Verismaya Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Just recently I’ve discovered that the perception and mind of an artist is truly different from other forms of perceiving the wold. All along I believed that other people, just like me, see memories/dreams/thoughts in clear, photographic-alike visions, or in a “video format”, which is then enhanced by feelings. I was therefore really surprised to find out that not everyone sees or imagines things in such a realistic way. This one little detail really […]

These are the details of my painting Ghosts of the Past. Here you can see both the bird and the girl in a more detailed, close up way. Just click on the pictures to see a full size preview.