Tag : thoughts

I’ve sort of been in a state of artistic melancholia lately (perhaps because of hopelessly dark hours of the year, which I’m spending behind my computer screen, sipping cold coffee). Because of my current life situation, the existential emptiness has really hit me with a triple force this time. It has never been easy going through some life altering changes, and being in between cultures, countries and jobs made it even more difficult, but the recent events of my life […]

Subconcious by Verismaya Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License Just recently I’ve discovered that the perception and mind of an artist is truly different from other forms of perceiving the wold. All along I believed that other people, just like me, see memories/dreams/thoughts in clear, photographic-alike visions, or in a “video format”, which is then enhanced by feelings. I was therefore really surprised to find out that not everyone sees or imagines things in such a realistic way. This one little detail really […]