Tag : Tkatchenko

This is me, while sick with Covid-19. Please note the tissue sticking out of my left pocket, lol. Yes, I know, I don’t appear particularly ill, even my family mentioned that, but as we know, looks can be deceiving [Spoiler Alert: I’ve had it already.] It was not a battle, but a slow burn. So how did the whole thing develop? It was the beginning of March 2020. I had been out and about: visiting malls, libraries, taking public transport, […]

After 5 years of hard work and endless hours of writing, rewriting and going a little crazy, I am proud to announce that I finally published my first book! Despite doubts, fears, blood, sweat and tears, I made it through. As John Wayne said, courage is not the absence of fear, but saddling up anyway. Check out my work on Amazon, it’s available worldwide. You can read the first 6 chapters in the kindle version to see if it’s something […]

This italian inspired recipe will be converting meat lovers to vegetarians! Oven baked vegetarian dish with olives, sun dried tomatoes and with healthy, fiber-rich whole wheat pasta is great for a romantic dinner or a family get-together.

Last year I discovered, to my amazement, that I come from a noble family with a family tree which runs back to 15th century. My grandmother from my biological father’s side came from a noble family of Von Hildenbrandt. They were from Saxony, owed a large estate with servants and maids, and held prominent positions such as generals and a state advisors. My grandfather from my father’s side came from Northern Caucasus and Russian far east, from a line of […]

These are the details of my painting Ghosts of the Past. Here you can see both the bird and the girl in a more detailed, close up way. Just click on the pictures to see a full size preview.