Tag : way

The search for meaning

I’ve sort of been in a state of artistic melancholia lately (perhaps because of hopelessly dark hours of the year, which I’m spending behind my computer screen, sipping cold coffee). Because of my current life situation, the existential emptiness has really hit me with a triple force this time. It has never been easy going through some life altering changes, and being in between cultures, countries and jobs made it even more difficult, but the recent events of my life […]

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The theme of roads in my artwork

I have been wondering  what my next artwork would be about and I seem to have so many ideas, but none of them are deep and strong enough yet to really make a great piece. I have been split between wanting to draw something dark, such as despair, longing, strong emotions; or something utopian, light and positive and dreamy. I really like the concept of the Kayne Wests video “Paranoid” as the inspiration, the colors and confused state of mind, […]

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